Use your Hard Drive as RAM.

Use your Hard Drive as RAM.

The space on the hard drive acts as virtual RAM, this is called paging memory which acts as a slower version of RAM (The reason being HDD has slower read and write speed compared to RAM).

But however, you will see no change in RAM count, It’s just telling Windows System to say your free space to run tasks and to make things faster. But it will run your programs just like RAM.

Requirements : Works on all Windows versions> let it be 7, 8, 10, or 11. RAM size> 2/4/8 Gigs

Procedure :

1] Locate 'This PC' on your desktop or in the startup menu. Right-click on it, go to properties.


2] Settings window will open, locate 'Advanced system settings'.

adv settings.jpeg

3] Click on it, System Properties dialog box appears. Click on 'Settings'.

go to settings.jpeg

4] Click on settings, 'Performance Options' dialogue box appears. Go to 'advance' tab and then under virtual memory click on 'change' button.

go to adv tab.jpeg

5] 'Virtual memory' dialogue box appears (i know the process is quite big, but hold on we are almost there😉) select anyone drive apart from C drive, here I have D drive.

select d drive.jpeg

6] Below there are 3 radio options, by default it is set to 'No paging file', click on 'System managed size'. (The System will automatically manage its required space) Click OK for all the open dialogue boxes, you need to restart your PC to make the changes.

If you want to go back to your original state!

Follow all the steps and in the end click on 'No paging file'.

This method won't make your devices super fast, but able to do multitasking a bit more faster.